Interior Building Constructions ( Wall & Ceilings ) Materials for joints List:

Knauf Uniflott

High strength joint grouting material for plasterboard.

Knauf Uniflott impregnated

High strength joint grouting for moisture resistant plasterboard.

Knauf Fugenfüller Leicht

Jointing material for plasterboard, gypsum based, with use of tape, glue for plasterboard and cracks and blows sealing.

Knauf Fugenfüller moisture resistant

It is green, the same as the paper color of moisture resistant plasterboard and is the ideal material for grouting moisture resistant plasterboard in damp places. Keeps processing and application advantages of Fugenfuller Leicht and furthermore exhibits excellent resistance to moisture, and facilitates painting operations, it gives a uniform green color at the joint and the surface of the plasterboard thus require fewer hands of painting.

Knauf Fireboard-Spachtel

Fireproof jointing material for Fireboard

Knauf F2F Filler to Finish

High-performance, multi-task compound for embedding joint tape, finishing drywall and more. As skim coat on wall and ceiling plasters (gypsum¬, lime¬, lime cement plasters), concrete areas and aerated concrete inside, before the application of wallpapers, spatula techniques and paints.

Knauf Readyfix

Ready to use jointing and finishing material. Suitable for plasterboard joints by use of tape, finishing, sealing microcracks and pores in concrete, interior repair work.

Knauf Safeboard Plasterboard for radiation protection with barium

Ready to use jointing material for radiation protection plasterboard Knauf Safeboard

Knauf Finitura

Ready to use finishing material, for very smooth finish. Provides very smooth finished surface and gives excellent workability with large open working time. Ensures perfect final result in backgrounds such as gypsum, traditional plaster, concrete, plasterboard. Its low porosity makes it more economical, especially when high¬performance dyes will be used.

Knauf Fill & Finish Light

Ready to use lightweight, finishing material. Due to its composition, the material gives great coverage and minimal shrinkage. Suitable for use on any conventional masonry. Fill & Finish Light is suitable for skim coating highly absorbent substrates (e.g. concrete, aerated concrete or precision blocks), absorbent substrates (e.g. float finish plaster, gypsum boards and gypsum fibre boards) and mildly absorbent surfaces (e.g. dispersion coatings or fibre glass wallpapers) and non¬absorbent substrates (e.g. latex¬based paints, tiles).

Knauf Finish Pastos

Ready to use plasterboard joint finishing material, for joints that have been filled with Uniflott or Fugenfuller.

Knauf Perlfix

Glue for plasterboard and plasterboard panels.

Knauf Renoband

Ready to use repair material that does not shrink, does not crack and remains elastic for interior and exterior use.

Knauf Super finish

Ready¬to use universal spatula. Ideal material for a skim coat following grouting of joints, (surface quality Q2) and finish of joints of plasterboards which are already filled widely even with Knauf Uniflott or Knauf Fugenfüller/ Joint Filler, in order to achieve surface quality level Q3. As skim coat on plasterboard constructions in order to achieve surface quality level Q4*. Also it can be used in interior applications for smoothing various backgrounds such as: drywall, fiberboards, concrete, aerated concrete, plaster.


It is a primer of artificial resins solution, with high alkaline resistance, suitable for internal use, before plastering on very absorbent backgrounds.

Knauf Spezialgrund A

It is a primer of artificial resins solution, that incorporates ultrafine white granulated minerals. Used for priming drywall surfaces to regulate the absorption and to homogenize the surface.
