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Thermal Insulation - External Thermal Insulation Composite System ETICS (Adhesives Plasters -grafiato) List :

Mapetherm AR1

Однокомпонентный цементный раствор для приклеивания и выравнивания изоляционных панелей и систем теплоизоляции.

Silexcolor Primer

Silexcolor Primer is a modified potassium silicate based primer in water solution.

Silexcolor Base Coat

Transpirant, coloured silicate undercoat with a smooth finish and good filling properties for internal and external surfaces, according to DIN 18363 Standards.Available in the following ulometries: 1.2 mm, 1.8 mm  

Silexcolor Tonachino

Highly transpirant, thick-layered silicate coating product with high filling properties for internal and external surfaces in compliance with DIN 18363.
Available in the following granulometries: 0.7 mm,1.2 mm, 1.5 mm and 2.0 mm


Transpirant siloxane undercoat with a smooth finish.

Silancolor-Base coat

Water-repellent, coloured siloxane undercoat with a smooth finish and good filling properties for internal and external surfaces.


Transpirant, water-repellent, thick-layered siloxane coating product with high filling properties for internal and external surfaces.   Available in the following metries: 0.7 mm, 1.2 mm, 1.5


Micronized acrylic-based primer in water dispersion.

Quarzolite Base Coat

Coloured acrylic undercoat with a smooth finish and good filling and adhesion promoting properties, for internal and external surfaces.


Acrylic resin-based wall plaster with a rustic effect for internal and external applications.

Штукатурка Baumit CreativTop

Готовая к применению, водоотталкивающая, пастообразная тонкослойная штукатурка, для финишного декоративного покрытия (отделки), неорганическая, с устойчивостью к образованию пятен

Клей Baumit DispersionsKleber

Готовый к применению пастообразный клей для теплоизоляционных плит

Смесь Baumit ProContact

Готовая к применению смесь для приклеивания изоляционных плит и для нанесения покрытий из стекловолокна. Часть теплоизоляционной системы утепления с экструдированным пенополистиролом (EPS) и минеральной ватой. Сертифицирована в системе согласно спецификации ETAG (Европейская директива в отношении технической сертификации) 004.

Baumit FillPrimer

Ready to use primer with organic synthetic resins and added fibers, for indoor and outdoor use.

Baumit FillTop

Thin layer mortar, ready for use, in paste form, suitable for applying a smooth surface on Baumit GranoporTop, SilikatTop, SilikonTop with 0.5mm largest grain.

Baumit FineTop

Thin layer mortar, ready for use, in paste form, suitable for creating decorative details. Fine plaster for interior and exterior.

Baumit GranoporTop

Ready for use, finishing layer (thin layer) based on synthetic organic resins, in paste form, for smooth or rough sanded surface. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

Baumit GranoporColor

Ready to use paint, based on organic binders, for indoor and outdoor use

Baumit MosaikTop

Ready to use material with organic binders suitable for final coating thin layer. Water repellent, highly resistant coating with colored pebbles, suitable for internal and external coating particularly at the base.

Baumi NanoporTop

Ready to use, water repellent, final finishing layer (thin layer), in paste form, for topcoats (finish), inorganic, with stain resistance for indoor and outdoor use. Certified according to the specification ETAG 004 and ÖN EN 15824. Thanks to its specially designed microsurface structure, and especially nanocrystalline inorganic additives, soiling of the surface is significantly reduced as the associated algae growth, compared to other coatings.

Baumit openContact

Ready to use mortar for bonding insulation boards open EPS, and for coating of fiberglass.Certified according to ETAG 004 specification For the external thermal insulation system open – Die KlimaFassade.

Baumit openPrimer

Ready to use, breathable primer on Baumit open Top

Baumit SilikatColor

Ready-to-use paint, on sodium silicate basis for indoor and outdoor use.

Baumit SilikonTop

Ready-to-use pasty, silicone resin bound final coat (thin-layer cover coat) with rubbed or grooved structure for interior and outdoor use. Protection and design of facades on old and new mineral plasters andputties, on concrete, for rework on organically bound putties and plasters, as final coat of Baumit ETICS – EPS and mineral as well as on renovation plasters.

Baumit StarContact

Mineral-based, dry powder contact mortar and plaster undercoat for the Baumit External Wall Insulation Systems EPS and XPS. As a thin layer basecoat mortar (with reinforcing mesh) on to Baumit insulation boards and selected render carrier boards. Also suitable for preparing surfaces of coarse render basecoats to receive fine grained (< 2 mm) Baumit decorative topcoats and as a thin bonding coat (keyed) over concrete surfaces to receive further coatings Tested according to ETAG 004.


Fiber¬reinforced cement based adhesive for bonding expanded polystyrene insulation panels in building facades and floors and cementitious substrates. The same material is used for covering of the insulation boards with the application of special fiberglass as an ideal substrate for plaster topcoat. No sliding and increased open application time. The system follows the standard requirements of ETAG 004.


BAU ECO 50 – это клей на основе крупнозернистого цемента, обогащенный полимерами (смолами) и армированный волокном. Обеспечивает высокую начальную и конечную адгезионную прочность и устойчивость к влаге. Подходит для крепления теплоизоляционных плит из экструдированного или пенополистирола, минеральной ваты, полиуретана и т. д. на фасады из бетона, штукатурки или кирпичной кладки. Более того, при армировании стеклосеткой и Нанесенный на внешнюю сторону неподвижных теплоизоляционных плит, он представляет собой идеальную основу для последующий слой рендеринга


 Эластичная декоративная органическая штукатурка высоких требований, готовая к использованию, с неограниченными цветовыми решениями и множеством вариантов конечной текстуры поверхности. Штукатурка BAU C21 на 100% состоит из акрила и обеспечивает превосходную адгезию ко всем основаниям, высокую устойчивость к солнечным лучам, высокую устойчивость к трещинам, отличную устойчивость к воде и влаге, а также высокую устойчивость к грязи, водорослям и грибкам. Он обеспечивает воздухопроницаемость элементов конструкции и идеально подходит в качестве финишного покрытия в системах наружной теплоизоляции.


это высококачественная акриловая грунтовка на водной основе с очень высокой проникающей способностью. Повышает адгезию и регулирует водопоглощение, обеспечивая идеальное основание для цветных акриловых штукатурок и каучуковых покрытий, таких как BAU C21. Подходит для пористых оснований, таких как штукатурка, бетон, кирпич, газобетон, связующие покрытия, строительные растворы и т. д.

Baumit UniPrimer (UniversalGrund)

Ready to use primer with organic synthetic resins.

Baumit StellaporTop

Ready for use, finishing layer (thin layer) based on organic polysiloxane resins to form a paste for smooth sanded surface. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Part of the external thermal insulation system with EPS, mineral wool, XPS.

Baumit StarTex

Alkaline resistant, glass fiber textile mesh to be used in Baumit ETICS. Used within the base coat render (reinforcement layer) of ETICS and for strengthening general base coat renders and plasters.

Baumit StarTrack

Additional mechanical fixing alternative to standard dowelling for Baumit Open – KlimaFaçade and for Baumit ETICS, in the case of existing old plaster up to a max. total thickness of 40 mm can be bridged over. Drill bit Ø: 8 mm.

Fiber¬reinforced cement based adhesive for bonding expanded polystyrene insulation panels in building facades and floors and cementitious substrates. The same material is used for covering of the insulation boards with the application of special fiberglass as an ideal substrate for plaster topcoat. No sliding and increased open application time. The system follows the standard requirements of ETAG 004.
